29 March 2011

Porcini Sausage Sandwich, Mexican Polenta Lasagna, and Other Delights

It may snow again (it did last week...twice), and it may get below freezing, but SPRING is officially here!
At our house:
tulips are  coming!
At the farm:
The beds are in progress!

With the change of the weather, I find myself drawn more and more to the outdoors; as long as the sun is shining and the pretense of warmth is there, I'm outside!  My blogging may reflect (and clearly has already done so!) this change in the season.

However, this is not to say that I haven't been cooking up a storm.
Meatout Brunch Special: VwV's Tempeh Sausage Patties topped
with Sauteed Baby Chard, Porcinis, and Shallots
on Grandma's Homemade White Wheat Bread with the Hub's Homies

In addition to this glorious start to MEATOUT 2011, we also enjoyed bowling with friends and a lovely dinner of the VwV's Pad Thai, as posted previously.  For dessert, we enjoyed homemade Summer Strawberry Sorbet, but I want to show you this early spring adaptation of a true summer delight:

2 hours later...

So, I've inadvertently just deleted the remainder of the lengthy post including all recipes.  Sometimes, I really, really hate technology.  Really.  I am taking this latest occurrence as my second sign today that I'm not meant to be on the computer.  The first sign was that I deleted five of the pictures that I wanted to post on here.  Thus, I am just going to upload the remaining food photos and move along.  If you see any dishes that you like, please leave me a comment, and I'll be happy to send/post the recipe at another time.

Early Spring Shortcake (with homemade sorbet and biscotti)

Greens Quinoa Bowl with Butternut Fries

Mexican Polenta Lasagna (just out of the oven!)

Sunday Dinner!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Hi Kate - I'd love to see the greens quinoa bowl recipe!! Aunt S
