24 October 2011

Magazine Monday: "Sweet Potato Torte" from VT

By now, you know that I love alliteration and receiving my veggie food magazines each month.  Why I haven't started Magazine Mondays before now is beyond me!

As soon as I saw the "Sweet Potato Torte" in the savory pie section of the November 2011 Vegetarian Times, I knew that I would make it ASAP.  Another variation on the ingredients of my fave home fries?  Yes, please.  Thanks Vegetarian Times for the early b-day present -- you rule!

The original recipe called for cheese in addition to the chard, onion, garlic, and rosemary mix in the center of the sweet potato layers.  (Side note: in collecting the chard from our garden, I fell into the rosemary, which (at the time) I forgot was needed in the recipe.  A sign from the universe?  Haha!) I used a testing recipe (Carla's "Sunflower and Artichoke Pesto") instead of the cheese.  For this choice, I humbly say...I rule.  This dish was hearty and holiday-esque; it also pleased my sweet potato-reluctant hub.  He is even looking forward to having it again for lunch tomorrow!  YAY!  Conversion!  I didn't broil the final dish to have crispy potatoes on top, and I was mandoline-challenged today, so the top isn't as beauteous as it could be. With a bit more time, patience, and skill than I had today, aesthetic glory could certainly be yours.  Regardless, it is delicious!

Meanwhile, I have a "Coconut Lemon Bundt Cake" from Veganomicon in the oven and have already made the "Tofu Whipped Cream" from The Joy of Vegan Baking.  I had some leftover soft tofu to use up from the "Maple Cheesecake" (another testing recipe from Carla's latest, Vegan Al Fresco) that I made for the "end-of-season" farm potluck this weekend, so why not make some whipped topping?

What a delicious afternoon and evening!  I'm so happy to be back in the kitchen.  Stay tuned for recipes with this past weekend's market finds -- chayote and raw sugar cane, and tales of other recent creations.  The bundt is calling...enjoy the treats of your evening, wherever you may be!

1 comment:

  1. Your kitchen must smell great! Looks like the rosemary tripped you up ;) Happy Birthday!
